
Wanna get in for free?

We strongly believe that seeking knowledge and friendship with other developers trough meet-ups and other knowledge sharing events is important and a good way to evolve in a profession. Conferences are a great arena to gain new knowledge, nurse old and gain new friendships. Sadly, being a student does not allow for attending most conferences. A student budget just does not have room for expensive conference tickets.

We think that sucks.

So, here is an offer from us to all students:

We need some help during Web Rebels. At the time of writing we are not sure how much help we need during the conference, but we definitely need some help during registration and someone at the door at all times. We also would like to have someone photographing throughout the conference.

The deal is simple: you help us out as a volunteer for one day and we give you a free ticket. You will be free to attend the second day as a regular attendee, you will have all the good stuff everybody else gets: free food and beverages both days, t-shirt, access to the conference party, etc.

Our requirements for qualifying as a volunteer:
- You are a full time student in the general field of information technology.
- You are currently not working / contracting for an IT company while studying.
- You must be able to attend both days and attending Web Rebels will not interfere with your exams.

If you’re interested in this deal, please send us a mail at frivillig@webrebels.org before the 4th of May 2012. Include your full name, age, where and what you're studying and at which level. Please do also tell us what you would like to learn more about at school.

If you would like to volunteer as a photographer, please include some links to photos you've taken. Please note that the photographer’s job is to capture the moments of the conference and the photographer will be able to attend all talks both days. Because of this, the photographer position will be a two day job.

Please do note: A ticket does not include travel to / from the conference or cover any sleeping arrangements. A volunteer ticket cannot be transferred to a second person.

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It will do you good!

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